A revolução urbana das bicicletas
A cada dia, a bicicleta assume um papel mais importante como uma alternativa de mobilidade em muitas cidades no mundo. A venda de bicicletas já supera a de automóveis em vários países da Europa.
Mesmo nos EUA, onde a cultura do automóvel é uma das mais cristalizada e, portanto, reativa a mudanças, a bicicleta está ganhando espaço sobre o automóvel.
Um exemplo disso é o que está ocorrendo na Califórnia, o estado mais aberto às ideias de sustentabilidade. A Câmara Municipal da cidade de Sacramento aprovou por unanimidade uma lei que incentiva o uso de bicicletas através da implantação de bicicletários, pontos de aluguel de bicicletas e criação de microparques (vide foto abaixo).
O interessante é que a legislação determina que essas estruturas ocupem efetivamente espaços que antes estavam destinadas ao automóvel, ou seja, que ocupe vagas de estacionamento de carros nas ruas.
Medidas como as aqui apresentadas estão sendo adotadas nas principais cidades do mundo. O objetivo não é extinguir o automóvel, mas diminuir a sua supremacia, abrindo espaços para outras formas de mobilidade.
O importante é implantar a cidade do futuro e o futuro será multimodal. O automóvel terá que partilhar espaço com o transporte coletivo, com a bicicleta, com pedestres e outras formas de deslocamento. Até mesmo o automóvel sairá ganhando, pois, hoje estagnado em constantes engarrafamentos, poderá novamente deslocar-se.
Certamente, as cidades serão muito mais aprazíveis e mais saudáveis.
Axel Grael
Council votes to launch bike corrals, plan parklets in Sacramento
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Dwayne Treleven and Peter Larimer play chess in parking spot converted into a parklet last month in midtown Sacramento.Lezlie Sterling / lsterling@sacbee.com |
By Ryan Lillis
Published: Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2013 - 8:49 pm
Last Modified: Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013 - 7:56 am
Responding to calls from merchants and pedestrian and bicycle advocates, the City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to launch a network of bike corrals and begin a pilot program for mini-parks to be built in parking spaces near businesses. Council members also expressed encouragement for a regional bike-sharing program that has been touted by air quality officials.
Councilman Steve Hansen, whose office has helped develop the programs, said it is not often that the council makes a decision that is “so clearly for the public health benefit.”
Parklets were first launched in 2005 in San Francisco, where an art studio fed a meter and placed grass sod and a potted tree in a parking space. San Francisco officials eventually launched a long-term parklet network. There are now more than three dozen of the mini-parks in that city.
“We think parklets are a great idea,” said Teri Duarte, the executive director of WALKSacramento. “They provide additional destinations for people to walk to, they add life to the street and they can slow down traffic.”
At Hansen’s request, city officials will accept between six and 10 requests from businesses to install parklets around Sacramento. The parks will be open to the public, even when attached to a neighboring business.
City officials expect parklets to be built and maintained with funding from private-sector sponsorships.
Bike corrals fitting up to 12 bicycles could replace parking spaces on city streets. The lots were recommended to address a growing demand by bicycle users to have more secure places to leave bikes, city officials said.
The city has already received nine requests to install bike corrals, according to Ed Cox, a program analyst with the city’s Department of Public Works. Those include requests from property owners along K Street and R Street in downtown, on 20th Street in midtown, at 33rd Street and Folsom Boulevard in east Sacramento and at Third Avenue and Franklin Boulevard in Curtis Park.
Bike corrals would be funded through a grant from the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District.
Both programs are expected to be concentrated heavily in the central city, although council members asked that neighborhoods in north and south Sacramento be considered as well. So far, “the midtown community is pretty fired up about it,” said Emily Baime Michaels, the executive director of the Midtown Business Association.
“Midtown will support something that’s an innovative use of space,” Michaels said.
City officials said they will seek to balance the aesthetic addition of the parklets and bike corrals with a loss of available parking and the effect on traffic. A loss of parking revenue will also be factored into decisions to permit new mini-parks and bike parking stations.
“In an urban environment, parking management is always going to be an issue,” Michaels said. “I don’t think losing a few spaces to a parklet or a bike corral is going to move the needle one way or another.”
The council also expressed support for a bike-sharing program in the region. According to a staff report provided to the council, a study commissioned by the city and the air quality district recommended a network of 560 bicycles at 80 docking stations. Most of the docks would be in downtown and midtown, with additional sites in Davis and West Sacramento.
The cost for launching a bike share program is estimated at $3.6 million, based on systems of a similar size in other cities, officials said. The network would cost $1.3 million a year; half of that cost could be covered by rental fees and the rest by sponsorships and grants, Cox said.
Fonte: The Sacramento Bee
Editorial: Miniparks, bike corrals, bicycle sharing are well worth exploring
By the Editorial Board
Last modified: 2013-10-19T03:38:23Z
Published: Saturday, Oct. 19, 2013 - 12:00 am
Sobre as bicicletas na cidade, leia também:
Programa Niterói de Bicicleta: resultados do encontro de ciclistas
O desafio da bicicleta: editorial do jornal O Fluminense
Prefeitura promove 1º Workshop do Programa Niterói de Bicicleta
Prefeitura de Niterói promete quatro projetos novos de ciclovia
Uso da bicicleta aumentou 85% no Rio nos últimos oito anos
Bairro na Coreia fecha ruas para carros por um mês para testar "cidade do futuro".
História das bicicletas e ciclovias de Copenhague
Britânicos pretendem tornar carros obsoletos em 2030: 80% dos deslocamentos serão a pé ou de bicicleta
Entrevista: Zé Lobo explica como a bicicleta transformará o centro do Rio
História das ciclovias holandesas
Carros saindo de cena?
Copenhague: a cidade da bicicleta
Britânico pretendem tornar carros obsoletos em 2030: 80% dos deslocamentos serão a pé ou de bicicleta
Walter Cook, urbanista americano, avalia modelos de transportes no Rio
Bicicletário vira depósito de lixo: a árdua tarefa de fazer a bicicleta ser respeitada
Por uma vida mais saudável e rápida: Vá de Bike!
Operação da NitTrans autua e reboca veículos irregulares em ciclofaixas
Councilman Steve Hansen, whose office has helped develop the programs, said it is not often that the council makes a decision that is “so clearly for the public health benefit.”
Parklets were first launched in 2005 in San Francisco, where an art studio fed a meter and placed grass sod and a potted tree in a parking space. San Francisco officials eventually launched a long-term parklet network. There are now more than three dozen of the mini-parks in that city.
“We think parklets are a great idea,” said Teri Duarte, the executive director of WALKSacramento. “They provide additional destinations for people to walk to, they add life to the street and they can slow down traffic.”
At Hansen’s request, city officials will accept between six and 10 requests from businesses to install parklets around Sacramento. The parks will be open to the public, even when attached to a neighboring business.
City officials expect parklets to be built and maintained with funding from private-sector sponsorships.
Bike corrals fitting up to 12 bicycles could replace parking spaces on city streets. The lots were recommended to address a growing demand by bicycle users to have more secure places to leave bikes, city officials said.
The city has already received nine requests to install bike corrals, according to Ed Cox, a program analyst with the city’s Department of Public Works. Those include requests from property owners along K Street and R Street in downtown, on 20th Street in midtown, at 33rd Street and Folsom Boulevard in east Sacramento and at Third Avenue and Franklin Boulevard in Curtis Park.
Bike corrals would be funded through a grant from the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District.
Both programs are expected to be concentrated heavily in the central city, although council members asked that neighborhoods in north and south Sacramento be considered as well. So far, “the midtown community is pretty fired up about it,” said Emily Baime Michaels, the executive director of the Midtown Business Association.
“Midtown will support something that’s an innovative use of space,” Michaels said.
City officials said they will seek to balance the aesthetic addition of the parklets and bike corrals with a loss of available parking and the effect on traffic. A loss of parking revenue will also be factored into decisions to permit new mini-parks and bike parking stations.
“In an urban environment, parking management is always going to be an issue,” Michaels said. “I don’t think losing a few spaces to a parklet or a bike corral is going to move the needle one way or another.”
The council also expressed support for a bike-sharing program in the region. According to a staff report provided to the council, a study commissioned by the city and the air quality district recommended a network of 560 bicycles at 80 docking stations. Most of the docks would be in downtown and midtown, with additional sites in Davis and West Sacramento.
The cost for launching a bike share program is estimated at $3.6 million, based on systems of a similar size in other cities, officials said. The network would cost $1.3 million a year; half of that cost could be covered by rental fees and the rest by sponsorships and grants, Cox said.
Fonte: The Sacramento Bee
Editorial: Miniparks, bike corrals, bicycle sharing are well worth exploring
By the Editorial Board
Last modified: 2013-10-19T03:38:23Z
Published: Saturday, Oct. 19, 2013 - 12:00 am
City leaders should jump at every chance to make Sacramento an even more livable place. So there’s every reason to explore promising ideas to encourage bicycling and increase green space.
Even better, City Hall would be a catalyst to efforts that already have public and private support locally and have succeeded elsewhere. These partnerships would be relatively inexpensive and quick.
The City Council will be asked Tuesday to give the go-ahead on three programs using city property:
• Parklets. Introduced in San Francisco in 2010, these miniparks are carved out of on-street parking spaces. Sacramentans got a sneak preview one day last month when temporary parklets opened along 20th Street in midtown. Under the staff proposal, the city would work with business owners and neighborhood groups to find the right spots. If the pilot project is successful, the program could expand.
• Bike corrals. The city started providing some bicycle parking in its right-of way in 2009, and has tested corrals during recent bicycle months. Following other cities’ lead, the city would design, install and maintain more corrals downtown and along heavily used corridors. Converting an on-street parking space creates room for 12 bicycles.
• Bike share. In major cities around the country and the world, residents and visitors can rent bicycles for short-term use. Sacramento would be a partner in a regional project led by the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, which expects to hear in December about a request for $3.8 million in start-up money. That would be enough to put 80 rental stations with 560 total bikes in key locations, such as the downtown Sacramento train depot, as well as a few in Davis and West Sacramento.
There are going to be complications. Some businesses might not want to give up nearby parking. Private sponsors are needed. The city is counting on parking revenues to finance most of its share of the proposed downtown arena, so it has to determine how many spaces it can give up.
But none of these concerns should stop the city from at least testing these ideas out.
Fonte: The Sacramento BeeEven better, City Hall would be a catalyst to efforts that already have public and private support locally and have succeeded elsewhere. These partnerships would be relatively inexpensive and quick.
The City Council will be asked Tuesday to give the go-ahead on three programs using city property:
• Parklets. Introduced in San Francisco in 2010, these miniparks are carved out of on-street parking spaces. Sacramentans got a sneak preview one day last month when temporary parklets opened along 20th Street in midtown. Under the staff proposal, the city would work with business owners and neighborhood groups to find the right spots. If the pilot project is successful, the program could expand.
• Bike corrals. The city started providing some bicycle parking in its right-of way in 2009, and has tested corrals during recent bicycle months. Following other cities’ lead, the city would design, install and maintain more corrals downtown and along heavily used corridors. Converting an on-street parking space creates room for 12 bicycles.
• Bike share. In major cities around the country and the world, residents and visitors can rent bicycles for short-term use. Sacramento would be a partner in a regional project led by the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, which expects to hear in December about a request for $3.8 million in start-up money. That would be enough to put 80 rental stations with 560 total bikes in key locations, such as the downtown Sacramento train depot, as well as a few in Davis and West Sacramento.
There are going to be complications. Some businesses might not want to give up nearby parking. Private sponsors are needed. The city is counting on parking revenues to finance most of its share of the proposed downtown arena, so it has to determine how many spaces it can give up.
But none of these concerns should stop the city from at least testing these ideas out.
Sobre as bicicletas na cidade, leia também:
- Sobre o Programa Niterói de Bicicletas:
Programa Niterói de Bicicleta: resultados do encontro de ciclistas
O desafio da bicicleta: editorial do jornal O Fluminense
Prefeitura promove 1º Workshop do Programa Niterói de Bicicleta
Prefeitura de Niterói promete quatro projetos novos de ciclovia
- Outras postagens sobre bicicletas e ciclovias:
Uso da bicicleta aumentou 85% no Rio nos últimos oito anos
Bairro na Coreia fecha ruas para carros por um mês para testar "cidade do futuro".
História das bicicletas e ciclovias de Copenhague
Britânicos pretendem tornar carros obsoletos em 2030: 80% dos deslocamentos serão a pé ou de bicicleta
Entrevista: Zé Lobo explica como a bicicleta transformará o centro do Rio
História das ciclovias holandesas
Carros saindo de cena?
Copenhague: a cidade da bicicleta
Britânico pretendem tornar carros obsoletos em 2030: 80% dos deslocamentos serão a pé ou de bicicleta
Walter Cook, urbanista americano, avalia modelos de transportes no Rio
Bicicletário vira depósito de lixo: a árdua tarefa de fazer a bicicleta ser respeitada
Por uma vida mais saudável e rápida: Vá de Bike!
Operação da NitTrans autua e reboca veículos irregulares em ciclofaixas
Ja podemos ter parklets em Niterói ?