Da esquerda para a direita: Heidi Vogel, Debora Fajer Smith, Joanna Dutra e Christa Vogel Grael, secretária executiva do Projeto Grael. Foto do acervo do Projeto Grael. |
Delegação de Maryland e acompanhantes brasileiros em frente ao Guaiuba, na Marina da Glória, logo após passeio na Baía de Guanabara. Foto do acervo do Projeto Grael. |
Entre os dias 11 e 14 de novembro, uma delegação chefiada pelo secretário de Estado do estado americano de Maryland (EUA), John McDounagh, visitou o Rio de Janeiro com o objetivo de estreitar relações, alinhar projetos e preparar uma visita do governador de Maryland, Martin O'Malley (DEM), ao Rio de Janeiro no início do próximo ano.
A viagem da Delegação foi organizada pela advogada Debora Fajer Smith, presidente do Programa Estados Irmãos Maryland-Rio de Janeiro e membro do Comitê Maryland-Rio da organização Companheiros das Américas. Também integraram a representação de Maryland, Abbey Hairston e Maria Flores, ambas da Secretaria de Educação do Condado (Município) de Prince George.
Pelo lado fluminense, a organização ficou a cargo do presidente do Comitê Rio de Janeiro-Maryland, da organização Companheiros das Américas, Manuel Pacheco Sanches, e do secretário-executivo da organização, Ronald Hees.
Os visitantes foram recebidos no dia 12 de novembro pela Assessoria de Assuntos Internacionais do Gabinete do governador Sérgio Cabral. Logo após, a Delegação dirigiu-se a Niterói, para uma visita à sede do Projeto Grael, onde receberam as boas vindas pela direção da organização.
No Projeto Grael, aconteceu uma reunião com o presidente da Fundação Municipal de Educação de Niterói, Cláudio Mendonça, de representantes da Coordenação Metropolitana VIII da Secretaria Estadual de Educação, de escolas públicas estaduais e municipais de Niterói. Foram definidas várias linhas de cooperação e intercâmbio entre as escolas das duas cidades (Niterói e Prince George), com prioridade para idiomas, ciências, esportes e meio ambiente.
As pedagogas Luciene Avelar e Priscila Felix ficaram responsáveis pela facilitação do planejamento das atividades que serão desenvolvidas entre as escolas.
No sábado, dia 13 de novembro, o grupo foi convidado para um passeio na Baía de Guanabara, a bordo do Guaiuba, do comandante Fernando Ermel, o "Boy", onde contamos também com a atenciosa acolhida de Ricardo Ermel, colaborador do Projeto Grael.
Agora, as equipes do Rio de Janeiro e de Maryland tem um grande trabalho pela frente para planejar os detalhes da parceria, que será formalizada por um Termo de Cooperação (Memorandum of Understanding) na visita do governador Martin O'Malley ao Rio de Janeiro.
Veja, a seguir, notícia veiculada em Maryland anunciando a viagem da Delegação daquele estado ao Rio de Janeiro:
Greenbelt Lawyer Heads to Brazil with Maryland Secretary of State; Then Heads to Harvard’s Kennedy School of Executive Education
Debora Fajer-Smith, chair of the Workers’ Compensation practice group at Joseph Greenwald & Laake, departed November 10 with Maryland Secretary of State John P. McDonough and a blue-ribbon delegation on a landmark visit commemorating 10 years of cooperation between Maryland and Rio de Janiro. Fajer-Smith is one of a handful of Maryland business representatives selected to accompany McDonough.
Greenbelt (Vocus/PRWEB) November 16, 2010
Debora Fajer-Smith, chair of the workers’ compensation practice group at Joseph Greenwald & Laake, departs November 10 with Maryland Secretary of State John P. McDonough and a blue-ribbon delegation on a landmark visit commemorating 10 years of cooperation between Maryland and Rio de Janiro. Fajer-Smith is one of a handful of Maryland business representatives selected to accompany McDonough.
“We’re heading to Brazil first to sign a second Memorandum of Understanding between the sister states of Rio de Janiro and the State of Maryland,” said Fajer-Smith, who was born in Brazil and came to this country as a child. “It is thrilling to be returning as a goodwill ambassador as we create greater alliances in the fields of renewal fuels, trade, security, and education,” she said.
The Sister States Program of Maryland has several sister partners, including Rio de Janiro, China, Japan, Korea, Poland, Mexico, Liberia, and Estonia, creating unique state to state programs that benefit the citizens of Maryland. “The caliber of volunteers we have in our program is priceless,” said Fajer-Smith, who is Maryland’s International Chair. “Brazil is unique among our sister states,” explained Fajer-Smith. “Although then Governor Parris Glendening signed the initial Memorandum of Understanding in 1999, Maryland’s relationship with Brazil dates back over 40 years.”
“Debora is the quintessential 21st century lawyer,” said JGL managing director, Burt Kahn. “She has a thriving and vigorous law practice and still manages to lend a hand with local, state, and now international programs,” Kahn continued.
Harvard’s Women in Power Program
In the May 2011, Fajer-Smith will set off for Boston, where she has been selected to attend the Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education program, Women and Power. Women and Power focuses on helping women in senior positions develop effective leadership strategies, with an emphasis on creating successful alliances and enduring partnerships. At its core, the program is an intense, interactive experience designed to help women advance to positions of influence and use them well.
Program participants will engage with Harvard faculty and other dynamic women leaders in the program to explore strategies for enhancing influence and authority in organizational and political contexts. The course uses the Harvard case study method to examine leadership challenges faced by individuals and organizations, and to consider how to apply lessons to present-day professional situations.
Joseph Greenwald & Laake is a full service law firm with 33 lawyers, practicing in several areas, including family law, business, real estate, trust and estates, tax, criminal, employment, personal injury and medical malpractice. JGL serves local and national clients in Washington, DC, and throughout Maryland. It has offices in Montgomery, Prince George’s and Howard Counties.
Learn more about JGL at http://www.jgllaw.com/.
Fonte: PRWeb
Excelente programa. Parabens Axel!