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Lars Grael treina com a tripulação do Argo Challenge. Divulgação. |
O Argo Challenge é um projeto mantido por uma organização sem fins lucrativos e que se prepara para disputar a Copa America (America's Cup), a mais tradicional e sofisticada regata da vela mundial. O projeto é ambicioso e pretende preparar uma tripulação mista, composta por velejadores deficientes e não deficientes. O objetivo é chamar a atenção da causa dos deficientes físicos.
A iniciativa, que é capitaneada pelo empresário italiano Antonio Spinelli, dono de vários negócios na área de alimentação e um dos fundadores do Iate Clube de Turim, está ganhando o apoio de um grande número de velejadores renomados, de lideranças dos deficientes físicos e de empresários nos EUA."We can you can""Nós podemos, você pode", é o slogan do projeto Argo Challenge.
Aos poucos, o sonho vai tomando corpo.
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Lars Grael no pódio. Foto do site da Argo Challenge. |
Lars Grael to Skipper Argo Challenge for the America's Cup
By Fried Elliott
Mar 14, 2011, 22:38
As the Star Class enters it's Centennial Year, it is difficult to count all of the America's Cup skippers, crews, coaches, designers and boat builders who have contributed to the America's Cup. Bill Ficker, Dennis Conner, Paul Cayard, Tom Blackaller, Iain Murray, Buddy Melges are just a few of the Star skippers who have made America's Cup history.
It should come as no surprise then, that another Star sailor, Lars Grael will be joining their ranks as skipper of the Argo Challenge for the America's Cup. In addition, many of the top Star sailors in the world, including Christian Giannini, have expressed interest in joining the Argo Challenge as sailors on the America's Cup team. We even have Class member, Iain Murray, managing the field of play involving America's Cup Operations.
While we will be rooting for all of the Star sailors on all of the America's Cup teams, the effort by Lars and Argo Challenge deserves special notice.
From Bill Allen, President of the International Star Class Yacht Racing Association:
"Lars Grael has demonstrated time and again all of the qualities of a legendary and exemplary athlete, ambassador and family member. Despite his physical disability, Lars has had the best overall record of any skipper in the 2009 and 2010 Star World Championships. His thoughtfulness has contributed to guiding the Class in many matters. There are few men with his tenacity. Lars is admired by all and commands respect where ever he goes."The International Star Class has over 3,000 active members in 38 countries. Fried Elliott, ISCYRA Director of Marketing & Media, encourages all Star sailors and fans to go to the Argo Challenge Facebook page and leave a comment in support of Lars and the Argo Challenge. "Expanding the use of social media is a priority for the Star Class, and both the America's Cup and ISAF share that objective. Lets bring a greater awareness to these organizations and the rest of the world of the contribution Star sailors make to sailing at all levels."
So go right now to The Argo Challenge Facebook Wall and leave a comment!
Background on Argo Challenge & How You Can Get Involved
The Argo Challenge for the America's Cup is a team of sailors and athletes with disabilities as well as able-bodied sailors competing for the oldest trophy in international sport. The America's Cup is ranked third behind the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup in terms of recognizable international sporting events and the economic impact that it generates to the host cities. There will be several lead-up regattas starting in June of this year. The events will be held at various US and international venues giving the team and its sponsors global outreach opportunities.
Our volunteer team continues to grow as some of the most exceptional people in the world discover us and offer to contribute their expertise. Each of us could contribute to this humanitarian and sporting effort by placing the Argo banner on the websites of their companies, signing up for Argo's newsletters, joining Argo on Facebook, and donating to Argo Challenge. Argo is a non-profit corporation with an educational and social mission. Argo will accept cash, securities, boats, real estate and expertise. As the team travels to World Series and America's Cup events over the next couple of years, Argo will provide us with networking and hospitality opportunities while we champion Argo's cause and our friends"
Argo's goal is to raise $6-10 million by March 31st so that we can register for the America's Cup, pay the bond, purchase equipment and take care of countless team, training and logistics issues. We realize that it will take time to apply for foundation grants and sponsorship from public companies. That will follow. The important thing is getting to the starting line. The worldwide disabled community will benefit tremendously if we do.
Mais informações: Site do Argo Challenge
Fonte: Site da ISCYRA, a associação internacional da Classe Star.
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